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Australia: Meet the Editors


Hi, my name is Jocelyn and I am currently studying English at CPP. I have always been a fan of reading and writing so working on this magazine was such a fun experience. My reason for choosing Australia was the fact that I knew there was more to this continent than kangaroos and vegemite and I wanted to see what kinds of things from Australia I was missing out on.

Jocelyn Sanchez

Head Editor


A student currently interested in Korean  web novels, seal plushies, and taro-flavored desserts. Loves playing first person shooter games and taking pictures of flowers.

Kelly Wong



Hi, my name is Amber and I'm an English Literature major at Cal Poly Pomona. There are many places all over the world that I hope to travel to one day and Australia is high on that list.

Amber Etchart

Design Team




Deadly Animals

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