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Welcome to MARBLE

Marble is an online magazine project for the Fall 2019 Professional Editing class (Eng 3120.01) at Cal Poly Pomona. 


We sought to learn about cultures around the world,  and share what we have learned, and hope you'll discover something too! There is a lot out there, stretching wide over vast lands— we tried to cover as much as we can. This is in no way meant to represent every single culture; it is just a small sample of the wonderful world around us! 


We acknowledge that we are still learning, and we are prone to making unconscious mistakes. We tried our best to be sensitive to the nuances of each culture we explored. 


Feel free to reach out to us! Feedback is welcome!


Marvel the Culture Vulture is not meant to be an intimidating old croot, but a supportive and friendly buddy to accompany on your stay here!

Dive Right In

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