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The Amazon Explored

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

By William Broer

Lush lands loved by those that reside within.

Burn it! Heathen! An act of war!

Call to arms, we combat the metal monsters— the raging fires.

The Amazon Rainforest is home to numerous forms of life: plants, bugs, animals, people, and more. Unfortunately, as the fires rage on, the Amazon is increasingly at risk. If the ecosystem is disrupted in such a damaging way, then how is life meant to thrive? And how are the fires being started and allowed to continue? Humans are seemingly the cause for the fires. And for what gain? Money.

Deforestation is likely being caused for the purpose of expanding industry and accumulating greater income. And despite the act of deforestation being illegal-- it’s still happening.

There are millions upon millions of species living in the Amazon, but they won’t all survive if the fires continue. And if the government, or the world, doesn’t see to it that the issue is resolved, then only greater damage will be inflicted.

But the Amazon isn’t just a home for plants—it houses humans too. Thousands of uncontacted people survive in the Amazon, and they need the rainforest to continue living as they have. And if the forest is continually burned down by humans, for money, then what would happen to the people living there? They’d lose their homes, and their way of life.

The Amazon Rainforest is a lush scape of trees, foliage, animals, and so much more. And the continued destruction of it is gut-wrenching to see. As the fires continue to burn-away, one must consider how threatened the life living there feels. The terror in their eyes, as they see their homes whisked-away from them. The sorrow of it all.

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