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Europe: Meet the Editors

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My name is Rula Eskaf. I'm a senior English major at CPP. My love for the different cultures of Europe compelled me to take on the role of head editor for this section. It was a tough job, but it was so worth it. 

Head Editor

Rula Eskaf

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My name is Layann Hamida, and I am Palestinian American. Throughout the course of my life, I have always been fascinated with becoming informed about other groups and their cultures; therefore, I was particularly intrigued with Europe because it contains various influences and a prominent history that I desired to become more informed about. 


Layann Hamida

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Hi, I'm Corey! I'm an Art History major at CPP. I wanted to push myself with this project by learning a new skill in creating a website and designing an online magazine.

Design Team

Corey D'Anna


Europe acts as a cultural hub, supporting food, art, and religions from cultures all over the world!

Art and History





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