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Australia’s Deadliest and Cuddliest Creature: The Koala

Updated: Dec 7, 2019

Written By Andrew Fessler

The koala is a herbivorous marsupial that is native to Australia. The koala can be dangerous just like many other animals when they are frightened. Although they can seriously hurt a human, humans and their activities act as a danger to koalas. While koalas are not endangered, there has been a large decrease in their population. In the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)’s overview on koalas, they state, “Sadly, being iconic and symbolic is not enough to save the koala from the threat of extinction. In the 1920’s, hundreds of thousands of koalas were shot for the fur trade and now koalas are contending with the consequences of ongoing excessive tree-clearing for agricultural and urban development in Queensland and New South Wales.” Koalas are very important to the ecosystem and humans are harming their natural habitats. Due to deforestation, koalas are being attacked by dogs and getting hit by cars.

Here are some interesting Koala facts that may plant the seeds of change:

-Koalas are unique to Australia!

-Their diet primarily consists of eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic to most animals.

-Koalas can sleep for up to 18 hours a day.

-Koalas can suffer from chlamydia, which they can acquire when stressed.


Image Sources:

(1) by Skeeze

(2) by Eeqmcc

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