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Africa's Skin Care Secrets

By Amber Etchart

Many beauty skin care regimens from Africa revolve around natural ingredients because of their access to natural resources and knowledge of their benefits. Some ingredients that are commonly used for skin care are African black soap, aloe vera, shea butter, and many other plant derivatives. A basic skin care routine might look like:

Step 1: Aloe Vera as a face mask

Aloe vera has been used in Africa since ancient Egyptian times. It is grown in many of Africa’s tropical regions. Aloe vera contains many vitamins and minerals that aid in moisturizing and hydrating skin. Many people also use aloe vera to reduce dark spots from the sun. It’s said that even Cleopatra used it in her skin care routine. Aloe Vera is often used in face masks, either alone or mixed in with other natural ingredients.

Step 2: African Black Soap as a skin cleanser

African Black Soap has been used by people in Africa to cleanse their skin in a natural, plant-

based way. It varies, but usually black soap is made from the leaves of palm trees, plantain bark, shea butter, and coconut oil. It has moisturizing, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties because it’s rich in vitamins A and E. African black soap has been known to heal acne, reduce stretch marks, and improve skin texture.

Step 3: Shea Butter as a moisturizer

Shea butter has been used in Africa for its skin care benefits for centuries. It’s enriched with many vitamins and fatty acids that help nourish and moisturize the skin. Shea butter is also useful as an anti-inflammatory, which prevents acne and helps calm any inflammatory skin issues. Many people have reported skin-softening and wrinkle reduction after using shea butter for a long period of time. It’s used in various ways in a skin care routine: eye cream, as a stretch mark reducer, as a moisturizer after cleansing, and a sunscreen due to its IV protection properties.

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