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Belgian Waffles

Written by Josephine Lee

Servings: 6 waffles (372 Calories per serving)

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

Lauren introduces, “Belgian waffles are thicker and often larger than regular waffles because they are made with a waffle iron that has deeper grids,” before giving the recipe directions.

The following recipe is from her website is called “Tastes Better from Scratch”--her recipe blog.

This recipe is easy and very college-friendly. Not only is it fairly simple, but the blogger also mentions how one can store the waffles to eat later which is so useful for college students who may be lazy or do not have time to make breakfast every day.

Waffles are great because they are customizable. When making these waffles to save later, instead of getting tired of the same waffle with the same toppings, one can change things up to make various combinations using different fruits, spreads, jams, syrups, honey, agave, etc. Sadly, there is no vegetarian or vegan swaps mentioned in this source for making Belgium Waffles.


1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

2 large eggs, yolks and whites separated

1 ¾ cups milk

½ cup vegetable or canola oil


1 small bowl

2 mixing bowls



Baking spatula (to fold)

Measuring cup

Waffle iron


In a small bowl, mix the dry ingredients together: flour, baking powder, and salt.

Separate the egg yolks and whites into two different mixing bowls. Do not get any yolk mixed in with the whites; this is important for later.

Add the milk and oil to the mixing bowl with the egg yolks, and then mix them together.

Add the dry ingredients into this bowl.

Beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form. (The peaks should be stiff, not soft.)

Gently fold the mixed egg whites into the batter from Step 4. Do not overmix: once the batter has little to no streaks, it is ready to go!

Pour batter into a measuring cup, to make it easier to pour the batter into the hot waffle iron.

The cooking time (per waffle) depends on your waffle iron. Make sure the waffle iron is heated before you start cooking the waffles.

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