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How to Survive Antarctica

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

By: Aaron Sapp

The cop-out for surviving below freezing temperatures in Antarctica is to live in the comfort of a heated research center. However, not everyone has access to a research center, and what if you were hundreds of miles away from one? Many things would need to be done to ensure survival and so here is a rundown of what you’ll need when braving the frigid south.

A survival pack is imperative in cold weather excursions. Things like chocolate bars, rope, a knife, a water purifier, a metal water bottle, tools to start fires, a cold-rated sleeping bag, medkit, and flashlight are all essentials. If lost, the first thing that you would need to do is protect your body heat. Hopefully, the trip to Antarctica coerced you to bring snow clothes already, but it may not always be enough; there are essential tasks that need to be carried out in order to stay alive. Keeping dry by staying out of the snowy wind, and keeping energy stores up are imperative. To keep dry, all wet clothes must be kept off the body in order to stop frostbite. If there is harsh wind blowing then shelter must be found or built. Building a shelter is extremely exhausting and dangerous in very extreme weather, so do so with caution. If possible, build a fire. Be sure to pack a flint, or fire starters in your survival pack to help make this task easier. If the situation becomes dire and the pack runs out of food, look to the local wildlife, such as penguins and albatross, for food sources.

Luckily, there is one thing a survivor in Antarctica does not have to worry about, and that is the availability of water. There is plenty of water around Antarctica even though it is the driest continent. Water can be melted from snow and ice either using fire or - last case scenario - body heat. If there is a metal water bottle at hand and an opportunity to make fire, then put the bottle in the fire to help melt snow. Remember, never eat snow or drink ice water that is not warm as it will cause your body to use energy to warm it up. By keeping up with these steps, you can hopefully survive the harsh weather of Antarctica.

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