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The Cold Hard Facts

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

By: Aaron Sapp

Antarctica, as snowy as it is, is actually dry. A freshwater source is surprisingly hard to find as all the freshwater is stored in ice. However, despite popular belief among politicians, the ice is melting at an alarming rate due to the increasing temperatures. This ice and snow cover a topography of mountainous area, which can reach peaks of up to 9000 feet; the ice once packed on top of the mountain stretches the heights to 15,000 feet. The highest of these is Vinson Massif which reaches a whopping 16,362 feet. A mountain range that runs down the middle, divides the continent into western and eastern portions. Although, there are no native residents on these portions as humans can not survive the extreme temperatures. Despite the weather, penguins and nematode worms have been able to live there for centuries uninterrupted. The snow and ice are not the only element as lava lakes and volcanoes that actively spit smoke bring heat to the massive island. The temperatures and natural features do not stop teams of researchers from conducting tests as the continent has been dedicated to just that. Research is mostly conducted during the summer season as the sun stays out for extended periods of time compared to the dark and cold winters. No war has ever touched the land even when warring countries have research being conducted on the same mass of land. This being said, most military action has been written off on a treaty declaring the continents enforced abstinence in terms of military dealings.

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