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The Food of South America

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

By William Broer

Ever wonder about the foods of South America? Well, here’s a few to checkout. And if you find yourself visiting South America any time soon—then maybe you can try some of these foods yourself.


If you ever find yourself in South America-- try the ceviche. Ceviche is a seafood dish comprised of white-fleshed fish, lime juice, and chili. It also often includes chopped onion and salt. The mix between the additional spices, lime juice, chili, and fish make for an explosion of flavor in your mouth. I’ve had the pleasure of indulging in ceviche, and I’m always blown-away at how sublime it is. Having it alone? It’s a blast. With chips? That’s a good snack. In a taco? Well-- now you’ve become engrossed.

Fried Plantains

Imagine a banana. Now imagine a bigger banana that you have to cook. Now imagine it fried-- a golden color. The caramelization. Oh yeah. You can find these throughout

South America, especially at the food stalls on the side of the road. They’re rich, they’re creamy, and they’re absolutely delicious.


Want another go to for street-side food? Empanadas. They’re delectable. They could be filled with beef, cheese, eggs, or more. And know what else? Baked or fried-- both are a reality. This is the type of food you kick-back and relax for. And since you’re likely to find them anywhere you venture to in South America-- be sure to pick-up a few and try them. You’ll be hooked.

Dulce de Leche

Got a sweet tooth? We got you covered. Dulce de leche is a sweet, sweet, caramel wonder-- it’ll get your sugar fix up to speed. But beware-- it’s got milk in it. So, if you’re lactose intolerant, you might have to sit this one out. On the flipside, if you can partake in the confection, be sure to savor it. It’s a rich flavor that you’ll fall in love with. And, unfortunately, it’s not seen too often outside of South America. Shame.


Are you a meat lover like me? Well, if you are, be sure not to pass-up this highly-accessible pork sausage. Though it may be available at your local food store, nothing beats the original back in South America. It is protein, and while a bit messy to cook at times-- a delight to consume. It’s packed with flavor, thanks to the spices, and brimming with tasty oils. It’s like watching a river of flavor run, and it’s truly a sight to behold.

Guinea Pig (Cuy)

Have you wanted to eat an animal whole? Well, if you’ve no issue with consuming an animal that’s sometimes kept as a pet, try a guinea pig-- or cuy as it’s called. Sold fresh in markets and then cooked whole, you can find this decadent morsel being roasted over a spit or being deep fried. Its meat is savory as it is tasty. For any meat-lover this is a must try.




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