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The Vibe

Written by William Broer

Image by William Broer


The bridge I thought sparkling,

I was told it was glittering and glistening— the beauty.

Why does it hide in the morn? Why does it?

The nightfall shows its true colors. How it shines.

Red in the morn— gold at night.

Why does it hide in the morn? Why does it?

The iron cages roam, the people wander—

For what? To see the glittering gold?

Why does it hide? The morn— the veil it invites—

The beauty it holds, the name it attained, the state it shows,

All this and I wonder— how does it sparkle?

The Big Time

The big wigs— the big cahoots. The men and women who make it all.

They’re big in the biz, grand as they are. Try and make it?

Not at all.

One shot— little left, nowhere to go.

One shot— no chance, no life.

Down the streets of a lesser fame, a lesser face— nowhere to go but the streets.

Out of a living, out of hope— the grand scope.

The want, the need, the opportunity. Easily lost, easily obtained.

A Land of Joy

Colors—sounds—bustling rides and people.

The spectacle of it all. Though the fare is not cheap, the ride is well worth it.

The creatures are peculiar— the mouse, the dog, and the duck.

They come and they go, humans in tow, and dawn smiles on the young.

Twice a day do they parade, as they take to the streets and run around.

Music ablaze, prancing and dancing— smiles abound.

Children cheer, children cry— they weep not in anguish, but joy.

Many a parent’s pockets lessen in weight. A necessary sacrifice.

They weep. In anguish.

The sight of their young fills them with joy, but they can’t deny— it pains them equally so.

Fret not— the mouse makes it all better.

He takes you by the hand and your worries wash-away. What troubles? None.

This is “The Happiest Place on Earth”. ™

Before Glass

A reflection of the lands. Water crashing— people bathing.

Laughs, splashes, and the crashes of the waves.

Sizzling grills— sun shining. As happy as can be, surfers’ delight

To walk along the shoreline, to enjoy what you see. It’s a pleasantry.

The waves are small, so that all may enjoy— a warm summer day.

Allergy-riddled goers beware, a strong sense of shell.

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