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Traditional Dress in Mexico

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Written by Victoria Murguia

Image by Sydney Rae

Throughout many years and generations, the traditions and the culture of Mexico have changed so much. One of the main factors that determine its generational culture is the type of dress that was worn. Specific clothes and fashion are elements that are imposed upon celebrations, holidays, time-periods or even religious ceremonies. Traditional Mexican dress is often designed with bright and vibrant colors, made to stand out for such occasions. For men and women, the clothing is crafted with enough detail to be able to complement one another. In celebrations today we see styles that were worn by the natives and styles that have evolved, especially with the influence of the Spanish conquerors. When considering what the men wear, it usually involves the same three pieces: a hat (sombrero), a suit, and boots. While they are very plain and standard pieces, a lot of detail is applied to the whole ensemble, so it is able to stand out. When it comes to the suit, both the jacket and the pants are decorated with specific colors, beadings and ribbons. For example, in the state of Nuevo Leon, the traditional clothing for the men consists of a dark fringed jacket, with white or black pants and a hat. For the women’s wear, it is much more detailed because many of the clothing items are sewn by hand. The dresses and skirts are made of different types of lace and garnishments, while also having detailed embroidery or sequins. The pieces are usually a dress, a skirt with a blouse and boots. Going back to the state of Nuevo Leon, the women wear a puffy, lace-like blouse with a blue or red skirt that reaches their shins, often worn with white boots.

While these are examples of traditional dress in the state of Nuevo Leon, it’s important to note that not all styles look the same, they maybe similar in material and color, but the structure of the clothing differs because of the region that it originated from. Because many people have preserved the traditional dress through the years, they are often re-made by hand today. These re-makings of the traditional clothing are usually seen for performances of baile Folklorico. These dances are to reflect and celebrate the specific region and it’s culture. And because the clothing is handmade, they have a much higher value because of their authenticity. These traditional pieces are time stamps for these regions in Mexico and they will continue to be shared for years to come.

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