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Two of the Deadliest Animals in Australia

Updated: Dec 7, 2019

By Layann Hamida

This animal, referred to as the blue-ringed octopus, is considered one of the deadliest animals in Australia. Approximately, four different species of this sea creature resides on the Australian coast. They are normally a brownish hue and quite harmless; however, when they are disturbed, they transform into this golden color, where their blue vivid rings begin to appear. When they are stripped from the ocean, that is then that they become provoked; as a result, the blue-ringed octopus retaliate by biting the individual, which is fatal. Because the bite contains neurotoxins, various symptoms begin to develop instantaneously once the individual is bitten. Shortly thereafter, the victim perishes because their body shuts down, where they also lose their ability to breathe. Therefore, the only way to prevent this from occurring is to leave the blue-ringed octopus be in its natural habitat.

On the other hand, this version of the cnidarian, is referred to as the box jellyfish; it is further considered one of the lethal creatures in all of Australia. This species of jellyfish resides in the northern part of Australia during the warmer parts of the year, which is when many people enjoy swimming. Moreover, they are referred to as the box jellyfish because the top of the jellyfish, otherwise known as the bell. It consists of four clusters of trailing, as well as their stinging tentacles, which expand up to 6.4 feet in length. Generally, humans encounter this breed near the shore, where the water tends to be murky, and therefore, it impedes the public’s ability to see it. The public also then becomes easily susceptible to being stung by the box jellyfish. Victims become aware once they are stung because the result of the pain is so excruciating, as well as the venom obstructs one's breathing and mobilization. Therefore, the next time you are in Australia, make sure to avoid this deadly creature.


Picture Sources:

Artist: Pen_Ash

Artist: Catalin Barbut

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